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Overall Reflection

As I've progressed through the songs, I've realized that chord progressions and form are key to writing great music.  I remember when I showed my director an older song, he asked me to write down the form of the song, and I didn't know what that was at the time.  Ever since then, I've been putting a lot of thought into the forms of my songs, as represented in both Wrath and Flight.  I'm pretty happy with both songs, so I'll showcase both my songs later in this reflection.


However, there are a few key differences between Wrath and Flight.  Wrath, although much more percussive and intense, is pretty repetitive.  And with Flight, although it has a lot of good chord progressions and great form, the middle section could still be cleaned up a little bit.  Both have a lot of strengths, and a lot of weaknesses.  If I were to choose which one is better, though, I would have to go with Flight.  It's so much more organized, and so many people that I've shown love it.


Here are the links to the songs:      Wrath              Flight


A few more things I need to mention.  In the future, I definitely do hope that I'll get some degree in composition.  Composition is definitely one of my strongest points in my life, and I really want to show off my music in the future.  It's really a way for me to escape from reality, and help calm me down in periods of stress.  The composition process may be hard and stressful, but in the end it's all so worth it.


Few thanks I need to shout out.  I need to thank my parents for allowing me to have a premium membership in my music notation software since 8th grade.  All my friends are to be thanked as well, as they all have cut some time to listen to some of my songs, which I'm really grateful for.  Lastly, I need to thank my band director Mr Kozman, as we has helped me with my compositions throughout all these years, and it's really meant so much to me.  I'm hoping I will be able to continue strong in the future with composition.  We'll just see what the future holds for us.

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